Tech Teaching Tip Tuesday: Free Digital Conference

Free Digital Conference for YOU

Last year, Coach Kenjura at Brenham High School emailed me Matt Miller’s Ditch That Textbook, Digital Summit information. He told me a little bit about the digital conference, and I was hooked. I signed up for it. During the Christmas break, I got to watch digital videos at my own convenience.

Christmas is a busy time of the year, but luckily this conference did not tie me down to a certain day or time that I had to go somewhere to attend the conference. I picked which day and what time I wanted to learn. I also got to watch the videos in the comforts of my couch.

This year when I saw Matt was putting on the digital conference again, I became excited. It was great last year, so I know this year will be just as good, if not better.

Not a lot of conferences are free or digital, so take advantage of this free professional development. Also, did I mention there are prize giveaways?

Where do you sign up?

Tell me more about it (this is taken from the website).
HOW IT WORKS: New presentations are released every day from Dec. 15-23. They remain available until Dec. 31 so you can re-watch or catch up on any you’ve missed. They’re pre-recorded, so you can watch them whenever you want until Dec. 31. After that, the summit ends and the videos are unavailable to watch anymore.

FREE PD HOURS: You can get FREE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CREDITS for watching the videos. There’s a form to fill out after each presentation, and you’ll get an automatic PD certificate emailed to you.

FREE CHROMEBOOKS: They’re giving away two free Acer Chromebook 15’s, courtesy of Acer Education, the giveaway sponsor. Be sure to join the Chromebook Crash Course session on December 22 to enter the drawing.

Sign up for the digital summit at

The schedule looks like this:
December 15 (Fri) -- Combining Tech and Solid Teaching Effectively (Tanya Avrith and Holly Clark, authors of The Google Infused Classroom)
December 16 (Sat) -- The Science of Happiness (Kim Strobel, happiness coach and educational consultant)
December 17 (Sun) -- Brain-Friendly Learning that Works (Dr. Pooja Agarwal, cognitive scientists and educator)
December 18 (Mon) -- How in the Google Did You Do That? (Eric Curts, Google Certified Trainer and tech blogger)
December 19 (Tue) -- How to Learn from a World of Educators (Sarah Thomas, tech coordinator and uber-connected educator)
December 20 (Wed) -- Plan Smarter, Not Harder with Edu-Protocols (Jon Corippo, interim executive director of CUE)
December 21 (Thur) -- How to Make Learning a Game (Michael Matera, teacher and author of eXPlore Like a PIRATE)
December 22 (Fri) -- Chromebook Crash Course: What You NEED (Matt Miller, Google Certified Innovator, blogger, speaker and author of Ditch That Textbook)
December 23 (Sat) -- What Schools Can Learn from Start-Up Culture (Don Wettrick, teacher and founder of StartEdUp)
I am signed up for #DitchSummit; are you signed up?

I always LOVE free conferences. If you are looking for more free conferences after this conference, then check out the EdCamp website HERE.

Do you know of any other free conferences out there for teachers? Let us know!
